As of today, the following resources have been imported to UKC:
- Princeton WordNet (PWN), is most famous lexical resource of English.
- Wiktionary, the largest multilingual dictionary is built and maintained by a collaborative crowdsourcing platform.
- African WordNet, a multilingual lexical resource of five african languages.
- IndoWordNet, a multilingual lexical resource of 18 hindi languages.
- WordNet Domains, a lexical resource of domains with mappings of PWN.
- Open Multilingual WordNet, a collection of wordnets available in different languages: Albanet, Arabic WordNet, BulTreeBank WordNet, Chinese Open WordNet, DanNet, Greek WordNet, Persian WordNet, FinnWordNet, WOLF (WordNet Libre du Français), Hebrew WordNet, Croatian WordNet, IceWordNet, MultiWordNet, ItalWordNet, Japanese WordNet, Multilingual Central Repository, WordNet Bahasa, Open Dutch WordNet, Norwegian WordNet, plWordNet, OpenWN-PT, Romanian WordNet, Lithuanian WordNet, Slovak WordNet, sloWNet, Swedish (SALDO), Thai WordNet.